dimanche 26 octobre 2008

When fair trade rocks music

« Sustainable music »

Let us greet a new initiative in the web world : Fair Trade Music. Far from the greedy policy of the music industry, FTM gives to new artists the opportunity to broadcast their work.

As the web is developping new business models : here, artists suggest to the internaut a price bracket within the latter can estimate the amount of its musical purchase.
Moreover, he is sure to receive 100% of his benefits !

So, this attitude allows the singer or composer to invest its money in a new album. Other innovation of TFM, for each reknowned albums sold, 5% are granted for the emerging artists. In coherence with its firm equity, FTM promotes only sustainable advertising. Let’s the music play !


samedi 25 octobre 2008

My International Market : Sial 08 - 4/4

"Milky Trend"


mercredi 22 octobre 2008

My International Market : SIAL 08 - 3/4

"Well-being food"

Alixir, a new range of products by Barilla for nutritional wellness and balance.


mardi 21 octobre 2008

My International Market : SIAL 08 - 2/4

"Moleculinary cooking"


lundi 20 octobre 2008

My international market : SIAL 08 - 1/4

"Greedy beauty"


vendredi 10 octobre 2008

My name is V... LV

"For your eyes only"

Mr Louis Vuitton has choosen for its next advertising campaign, the most attractive man of the spies generation created by Ian Fleming. More virile than Agassi and more sexy than Gorbatchev, this is our favorite : Sean Connery.
Alas, for our eyes only !

PS : Anyway, LV stands by us to transfer our frustration on shopping ;)